I love styling my hair and have spent years experimenting with different styles. I recently treated myself to a rather expensive set of ghd straighteners as my friends were always raving on about how good they are. Well I have been using them for a few weeks now and they are absolutely great and really simple to use. You just need to be careful when using them as they do tend to get very hot.
Liker mye, kanskje mer enn jeg rekker til tider. Er en smule rastløs, men finner ikke helt ut hva jeg har mest lyst til å drive med =D Så jeg er meg, ikke helt som alle andre =D Men det liker jeg =D Da er jeg mest meg =D
I love styling my hair and have spent years experimenting with different styles. I recently treated myself to a rather expensive set of ghd straighteners as my friends were always raving on about how good they are. Well I have been using them for a few weeks now and they are absolutely great and really simple to use. You just need to be careful when using them as they do tend to get very hot.